Thursday, June 21, 2012

Settling in

This past week has been filled with a lot of normal stuff. Unpacking, laundry, work, physical therapy, studying for boards, grocery shopping, cooking, etc.  It's also been filled with some new me moving in, taking my dog (Copper) to the groomers and moving him in, and finally bringing my cat (Sammy) over.  So far, they're all getting along and behaving pretty well (thank goodness!).  None would cooperate for a group photo though!  LOL.

Murphy (Cocker Spaniel)

Sammy (Fire Point Siamese)

Copper (Beagle Mix)

Sammy is/has been an outdoor cat, but when we move I like to keep him inside for a few days until he gets familiar with his surroundings.  I think he's really enjoying the inside right now - he's being so affectionate and cuddly!  Maybe he wants to be an indoor cat?!!

Copper is doing well, it seems like he thinks this is temporary though.  Every time I get up to go to another room, he's right by my side ready to go!  He's not doing it as often, so maybe he's settling in too.  He keeps trying to get Murphy to play with him, but that's not happening.  Yet. 

Murphy seems to like having the company, though there has been a minor tiff or two over territory.  Copper shares well and doesn't mind when Murphy claims his "big" bed.  They love to sneak each others food, so the food goes up & down and I watch them in the mornings.  At night, they gobble up their food so fast, no one bothers with each others dish at all!  All in all, they're both pretty laid back dogs and the cat thinks he's a dog too, so all is well. 

Must go get ready for physical therapy on my shoulder. 

Au revoir!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

First - new blog...this one just for family to keep up with our lives and share in a different sort of way.  The miles between us all just seem too long some times.  And the visits too far apart.  So, here we go.  I started setting up the blog when Roger & I were in Canada, just before we got married (he likes the idea of a blog, after I explained what it was and it's purpose)...thus the URL address ends in a .ca instead of a .com - if I'd set it up in the US, it would have been a .com.  Kind of cool that it ends in .ca for Canada. (ETA: apparently, it will show up under both .ca and .com....hmmm.)

Oh, and you wanted to know the story behind the name of the blog?  LOL, okay...glad you asked.  Last year, before the holidays Roger and I were lamenting about what a "terrible life" we were having (he was being facetious) with all the wonderful meals we were cooking together, the new wines we were discovering, the memories we were making together...etc.  After a pause, he simply said "I love us".  That pretty much summed up a lot of what we had been talking about and it stuck.  So, for Christmas, I made the rustic little sign you see in the image above.  It was/has been his favorite gift so far.  We've since repainted the kitchen where it was hanging...there's been quite a bit of DIY projects going on over the last 8 months...and now it sits on an easel in our bedroom.  Back to blog name story..."iloveus" by itself was taken, but since that needed more personalization anyway, I added on Allard so you'd know it was us!  Smile.

So there's our start! Email me or comment here if you have questions or want me to post about something, etc.  I'm better at checking email that someone else is, if you know what I mean.  I hope this is able to be translated somehow...will check into that for those that are interested.  I may not be back every day, but will try to post often and share pictures!